研究结果显示 ,利用多效抗旱驱鼠剂 1 5 0倍水溶液兑成泥浆 ,对裸根苗进行蘸根处理 ,或用多效抗旱驱鼠剂 40 0~ 80 0倍水溶液 ,在容器苗出圃前进行浇灌 ,可有效地预防甘肃鼢鼠、草兔和牛羊的危害 ,同时 ,能显著地提高苗木定植后的抗旱能力。 2 a生油松和侧柏定植 3a后 ,苗木保存率比对照分别提高 80 .8%和 73.2 % ,综合预防效果分别为 83.7%和 90 .7%。苗木保存率及综合预防效果与造林方式、林型和试验地所处的立地有直接的关系 ,苗木保存率林缘、路旁低于林中 ,但其综合预防效果差异不明显。施用多效抗旱驱鼠剂的苗木 ,促长增益指数为 0 .
Experiments showed that damages by zoker, hare, cattle and goat could be prohibited effectively and the ability to drought resistance of seedling be increase if seedling's bare roots dipped in the mud with RPA aqueous solution of 150 times or when container plants watered with 400~800 times RPA aqueoces solution before out planting. The preserving rate of Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings 2 years after planting and that of Platycladus orientalis ones 3 year after planting increased by 80.8% and 73.2% respectively, and the comprehensive prevention effects were 83.7% and 90.7% respectively. There was a direct relationship between the preserving rates, comprehensive prevention effects and afforestation methods, forest types and experimental sites. The preserving rates and edges of forests and roads were lewer than those in forests, however the difference was not significant. The promotion growth gain index of RPA to seedlings was 0.45
Journal of Northwest Forestry University
国家林业局"九五"重点课题"林区灭鼠药品的研制及应用"( 96 -5 0 )