通过对关中地区 5 0年来不同时期小麦品种在目前栽培条件下产量性状变化与当前推广品种源库关系的研究 ,初步探明 :①在以往品种改良中 ,收获指数的提高起了重要作用 ;②当前种植的品种中 ,源是产量进一步提高的制约因素 ;③引入新的种质 ,以改善源的功效为基础提高生物学产量 ,且不降低收获指数 ,是超高产育种的根本方法。
The study was made for the variations of yield components of wheat cultivars of various period in high fertility soil of Guanzhong area and the relation of source and sink of current cultivars. The results were as follows: ① The increase of harvest index (HI) has acted an important role in improving the yield of wheat cultivars; ② The source is a restrictive factor in raising the grain yield of wheat cultivars at present; ③ It is a fundamental method of superhigh yield breeding to use new plant genotypes to raise the biomass on the basis of improving source efficiency and not reducing HI.
国家"九五"攻关项目 ( 96 0 0 2 0 2 0 3 0 1)