钢桥的结构中 ,弯板连接的构造随处可见 ,例如桥门架、主桁整体节点上的公路横梁短节与桥门架的连接、伸缩纵梁等 ,弯板巧妙地将相关构件牢固地连接成一整体。设计上的底面交点和顶面交点 ,在钢板弯曲后 ,交点就隐匿了 ,因此 ,就需要将设计尺寸换算成工厂加工和便于检查的尺寸 ,换算过程比较繁冗。以芜湖桥桥门架弯板为例 ,推导出几个简单实用的公式 。
There are the constructions jointed by the curved slabs in the structure of the steel bridge,such as the portal bracings,the connection between the highway transverse beams in the integral joints of the main truss and the portal bracing,the flexible longitudinal beams and so on The curved slabs fixedly connect the correlated components into a unity In design,when the slabs are curved,the interseetions of the bottom and the top planes are hid,so we need to change the design dimensions to the manufacture dimensions in the factory The progress is very complex,so we give a example for the curved slab of the portal bracing of Wuhu Yangtze River Bridge to work out some simpler and practical formulae for applying to the bridge in the future.
Steel Construction