从经济学、社会学和哲学 3个层面对各种技术创新定义进行了综述 ,分析了技术创新定义多义性产生的原因 :客观原因是技术创新本身的变化、发展和技术创新与其它因素的联系 ;主观原因是认识上的片面性、绝对性和哲学信仰的差异性。同时 ,探讨了技术创新定义界定的方法 ,强调界定技术创新定义必须运用系统论的观点和辩证思维的方法 ,并力求达到历史性、全面性和正确性的统一。
In this paper,many definitions of technological innovation are given from the angles of economics,sociology and philosophy. The author analyses the reasons for the polymeaning of the definition: The objective reasons are the change and development of technological innovation itself and the relations between technological innovation and other elements. The subjective reasons are the one sideness and absolution of understanding and the differences in philosophical beliefs. At the same time,the paper probes into the methods of defining and emphasizes that the definition should be raised by using system analysis and dialectical ideology.
Social Science Journal For Central South University of Technology