海牙《关于未成年人保护的管辖权和法律适用的公约》(196 1年 )是迄今世界为解决国际未成年人保护法律冲突问题而签订的一个重要的统一冲突法公约。对此 ,介绍了该公约产生的背景及其基本内容 :未成年人保护的管辖权和法律适用、适用范围、公共秩序保留 ,以及保护措施的承认与执行等。对其重要条款的理解做了分析评价 ,并探讨了中国加入该公约的可行性。
The Ninth of Hague Convention on Private International Law passed an convention about the jurisdiction and law application of minor protection(1961), which is an important convention of united conflict of law for solving the problem of law conflict about minor protection in the world. In this article, the author broadly presents its backgrounds and basic contents, analysing and commenting on the understanding of some important articles, and discussing the possibility of China, acceding to the convention.
Social Science Journal For Central South University of Technology