根据党中央和教育部的新时期教育发展战略,为培养德、智、体、美全面和谐发展的 新世纪高素质人才,河北大学认真设计并努力实施了一整套纳入素质教育的艺术教育规划, 取得了良好的效果。突出体现在艺术教育教学活动起步早,课程开设形式多元,门类丰富, 教材建设配套,选择角度新颖、切实,正规化意识强,逐步形成了以课堂教学为主,科研带 动 教学,课外艺术活动丰富教学,教学、科研、课外活动三结合的艺术教育体系。 初步建立了一整套与普通高等院校培养目标相适应的、可操作的艺术教育系统工程。
In order to train students with high quality and all-around development, a complete system of art education programs,acting as a part of quality education,has been planned and carried out with efforts in Hebei University according to the strategy of educational development in the new stage made by the Party Central Co mmittee.The system has achieved good results. It mainly includes an early start of art teaching activities,variousc ourses and proper teaching materials. A system containing the combination of tea ching, research and activities has been gradually formed. A whole effective and systematic project of art education that serves the aim of college education has been initially founded.
Journal of Hebei University(Philosophy and Social Science)