人才培养模式随社会发展需要而变化。不同的历史时期人才培养模式不同,相同的 时期不同的发展阶段人才培养模式也不尽相同,人才培养模式在一定程度上决定人才培养质 量。在分析研究了我校人才培养模式改革发展的三个阶段的基础上,提出了省属综合性大 学应构建和注重素质教育,融传授知识、培养能力与提高素质为一体,富有时代特征的多样 化的人才培 养模式。
: Educational system changes as society develops. Different educational s ystems may be applied not only in different historical periods but also in diffe r ent phases in the same period. In this essay,the three stages i n our university's reform in educational system are describedand and a new conce ption of quality-oriented educational system which combines teaching, capabili ty cultivation and quality enhancement.
Journal of Hebei University(Philosophy and Social Science)