近代私票是中国货币体系中极为重要的部分,从晚清至抗战前一直是河北小区域 内重要的流通工具。多由各种私经济经营者为壮大资本而发行,法币改革后出现 了发行权由私经济部门向地方政府财政部门转化的倾向。一些政治变革如辛亥革命、北伐战 争等并没有对其产生多大的冲击。这种发生于社会底层的经济现象,为我们了解近代经济的 变迁,提供了新的视角。
:Scrips of modern times constitute a very important part of the Chinese monetary system,which were widely circulated in the region of Hebei province from the Late Qing Dynasty till the Anti-Japanese War(1937-1945) and most of which were issued by businessmen to accumulate capital.In 1935 when the KMT goverment issued paper curreny,China saw a shift of issuance power from the private sector to the finanicl department of the local gover nments.However,even such political changes in China as the Revolution of 1911 and the Northem Expedition(1926-1927)didn't make any significant impact on it.This economic phenomenon helps understand modern economic changes better.
Journal of Hebei University(Philosophy and Social Science)