18世纪后期和 19世纪上半期 ,西欧诸国开始进入工业化 ,工业文明给人类带来的是灾难还是福祉 ,如何实现自由与平等。为此 ,西欧诸国的思想家们在思想领域展开了批判与辩护这样一场激烈的交锋。我们应在工业文明的视野下探讨这场论争 ,梳理其基本内容 ,考察其具有的历史意义。从历史进程中可以看到 ,这场论争不是思想家们的个人之争 ,而是关系到社会发展道路的如何选择 。
During the late 18th and early 19th centuries,industrialization occurred in the West European countries.What the industrial civilization brought about was misery or happiness? How to realize freedom and equality?Thinkers there started a heated dispute.It can be seen through the process of history that the dispute is not one out of individual concerns but one concerning how to choose the way of social decelopment and reflecting people's thouht on the modernization.
Journal of Changde Teachers University(Social Science Edition)