在 2 0世纪 90年代的香港小说中 ,经常出现“此地他乡”与“失却城市”的主题 :可能是漂流异国怀念故乡 ,可能是感慨眼前的城市面目全非 ,或者是新旧移民在安居乐业中透露对城市的陌生感 ,更对现代都市形态(噪音、建筑、生活方式 )感到疏离。文章将具体分析以上几种“他乡”与“失城”故事类型 ,试图探讨这些小说创作与所谓“香港意识”之间的复杂关系。
The Fictions of Hong Kong in the 1990s is frequently signified by the theme of the “estranged city” and “lost city”. Within the fictions, themes lead to varied representations of the city including a nostalgic one from the overseas emigrants, an estranged one from city dwellers, or an alienated one from domesticated immigrants who recall their outsiderness in the memory of the past. Also, the anxiety about the 1997 issue and the mental reconstruction of a fragmented and modern cityscape further echo the above mentioned themes. The thesis is then a close view the varied representations of Hong Kong under the theme of “domesticating foreign” and “defamiliarizing home”. It is also an investigation of their relation to the construction of Hong Kong identity.
Journal of Tsinghua University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)