中国共产党的 80年是始终不渝地坚持“三个代表”的 80年。我们党实践“三个代表”的过程是把马克思主义同中国实际相结合不断探索和创新、历经艰辛坎坷而走向胜利的过程。在新世纪我们党把“三个代表”的始终性与重心性、长远性与近期性、先进性与广泛性统一起来 ,就一定能完成祖国富强。
Chinese Communist Party has been sticking to'Three Represents' for 80 years.The process of realizing 'Three Represents 'is the one to connect Marxism to Chinese reality by continuous research and creation,experiencing hardship and frustrations and fanally to advance to success. We are sure to successfully realize the grand cause of enriching our country and the people by uniting, consistence and importance, the long range and short range objectives and progressiveness and extensiveness of our Party's 'Three Represents' in the new century.
Journal of Anqing Teachers College(Social Science Edition)