英国小说之父笛福也是主张男女平等的有识之士。但笛福的妇女观究竟在多大程度上继承了父权意识 ,他塑造的妇女形象是否可归属于反传统范畴 ,对此批评家们莫衷一是。本文试图运用女性主义批评和社会历史批评相结合的方法 ,通过对笛福作品中的女性形象的解读 ,阐明笛福作为英国小说史上第一个赋予女性在作品中中心地位之人 ,真诚地关心妇女、同情妇女。但身为启蒙时期的男性 ,他无法完全摆脱父权社会的传统意识 ,其解放妇女。
Critics differ in their opinions as to whether Defoe has betrayed the patriarchal cultural tradition in creating his women characters, and to what extent he has inherited the patriarchal conscience. This article attempts to explicate two women characters of Defoe, Moll Flanders and Roxana, in order to illustrate the opinion that in spite of the fact that he is the first in English literary history to put a female at the center of a novel, even though he sincerely cares about and heartily sympathizes women, Defoe has not fully extricated himself from the patriarchal tradition since his purpose in emancipating and educating women is to make them suitable and serviceable to men.
Journal of Henan University(Social Sciences)