在自行建立的膜式氧合器水气传递实验装置上 ,分别对血气转流前后的MINIMAXPLUSTM氧合器进行水气传递实验 ,测得了结构因子α ,β ,用Mockro和Leonard半经验数学模型拟合血中氧气传递速率 .结果表明 ,新的MINIMAXPLUXTM氧合器性能优良可靠 ,但经一次心内直视手术血气转流后 ,氧合器的血气传递效率明显下降 (仅为原来的 40 %左右 ) .用原子力显微镜方法对氧合器中微孔聚丙烯中空纤维膜的微孔结构形态作显微研究 ,首次给出了微孔聚丙烯中空纤维膜在纳米尺度上的三维超微结构形貌图像及经血气转流前后纤维表面超微结构发生的尺寸变化 。
Water gas transfer of MINIMAX PLUS TM oxygenators before and after surgery use was inverstigated based on a home built membrane oxygenator water gas transfer equipment. The structural factors, α and β , were thus obtained. And the rate of oxygen transfer to blood was calculated according to Mockros Leonard, semi empirical theoretical model of oxygen transfer. It turned out that the performance of this new MINIMAX PLUS TM oxygenator is good and reliable, but the rate of oxygen transfer to blood sharply reduced to 40% of its original rate after a single surgery use. Meanwhile, morphologies of the microporousness of microporous polypropylene hollow fibers of membrane of MINIMAX PLUS TM oxygenators were studied by Atomic Force Microscope(AFM), giving for the first time its 3D supermicro morphologic images on a nanometer scale and the change of dimension of the fiber surface supermicro structure through a surgery use. It is considered that the surface supermicro morphologies of the microporous hollow fiber directly affect the bio compatibility and the durability of the oxygenators.
Journal of Fudan University:Natural Science
上海科学技术发展基金资助项目 (97JC140 0 7)