运动训练是一个控制过程 .为了实现训练目标 ,培养运动员的适应、创造、应变能力 ,在实施外部控制的同时 ,加强自我内部控制 ,处理好集体训练与自我训练的关系 ,做好由计划训练向目标训练过渡 。
sports training is a controlling nrocess.Duing the training,in arder to achieue ist aim and deuelope the athletes' capabilities of adaption,creatility,and acting according to the circumstances,the uistructor should intensity the athletes' internal controlling training at the same time.The instructor should deal well with the relationship between collective training and individual training ,which acts as the intermediats stage from planning trainning to targettraining,to improue athletes' capability of self-control durcig the training.
Songliao Journal (Natural Science Edition)