落叶松八齿小蠹属于次期害虫,即在伐倒木、生长衰弱本和枯死木上产卵、繁殖、 为害。由于抚顺地区2000~2001两年的严重干旱,造成大面积的落叶松林木被旱死,给落 叶松八齿小蠹的猖獗发生创造了有利条件。为控制其传播、蔓延和为害,我们紧密结合生 产实际,对该虫为害规律及防治方法进行了探索,并取得了初步效果。
Ips subelongatus, a seconary insect that can oviposit, propagate and bore in felled timbers, withered trees and stems dryness. During serious drought of two years (2000-2001), larch trees were dried - up on large area and made great advantage to Ips subeongatus. In order to control its spread and the harmfulness, the damage regularity and control measures were studied combining practice closely, and then primary effects were obtained.
Journal of Jilin Forestry Science and Technology