目的:报告1例二期梅毒。患者男,35岁,有婚外性生活史,临床表现以下颌、左鼻腔内、右颜 面部、右眼角及双腋下的肉芽肿样斑块为主要皮肤损害。实验室检查:皮损血清渗出液在暗视野显微 镜下见梅毒螺旋体,RPR、TPHA阳性。应用苄星青霉毒治疗后皮损消退,RPR滴度下降。
We report a 35 - year male patient, clinical presenting as granulomatous lesion involving the left nasal cavity, right cheek, cantyus and oxters. Laboratory examination: treponema pallidum was detected in exudate from the lesions by dark field microscopy. Both of RPR and TPPA tests were positive . Granuloma disappeared and titer of TRUST dropped after bicillin treatment.
Southern China Journal of Dermato-Venereology