利用光镜和扫描电镜观察了栎属青冈亚属Quercussubgen .Cyclobalanopsis 48种植物的叶表皮 ,尤以对叶下表皮的毛被特征观察较为仔细。共观察到 8种不同类型的叶表皮毛 :单列毛、单毛、乳突、星状毛、溶和星状毛、具柄束毛、多出毛和水母状毛。其中乳突在青冈亚属中较常见 ,而在壳斗科其他属中仅在石栎属Lithocarpus少数种类中有报道 ;水母状毛首次在壳斗科中发现。毛被可能遵循以下的演化规律 :乳突→单毛→星状毛 ;星状毛依照从简单→复杂的演化途径 ,分化出各种形态各异和结构复杂的毛系。初步讨论了毛被以及叶表皮其他特征 (如毛基细胞和表皮细胞的形态、气孔的类型和密度等 )的分类和系统学意义。
The characters of leaf epidermis (mainly epidermal cells, stomata, trichomes) have been examined in 48 species of Quercus subgen. Cyclobalanopsis of the Fagaceae. The adaxial leaf epidermis was investigated under light microscope. The epidermal cells of this surface are of two types in terms of the outline of their anticlinal wall. One type is characterized by having straight wall, and this type has been observed in most of the species studied, while the other is characterized by having sinuate or sinuolate wall, and this type has been found only in eight species, such as Q. blakei and Q. hui. There exist two types of trichome-bases on this surface: in one type the bases are single-celled, and this type has been found in most of the species studied, such as Q. oxyodon and Q. augustinii; while in the other the bases consist of a group of cells, and this type has been found only in nine species, such as Q. thorelii and Q. chungii. The abaxial leaf epidermis was investigated under light microscope and scanning electron microscope. The epidermal cells and the trichome-bases on this surface under LM are in morphology essentially similar to those on the adaxial surface. The stomata under LM include three types: cyclocytic, subcyclocytic and anomocytic. The stomatal density is of some diagnostic value to distinguish between closely related species, e.g. the stomatal density in Q. glauca is higher than that in Q. schottkyana. Under SEM the stomata are elliptical or roundish. The most noteworthy feature of the adaxial leaf epidermis is the trichomes. Eight types of trichomes have been observed under SEM: simple-uniseriate, solitary, papillae, stellate, fused-stellate, stipitate-fasciculate, multiradiate and jellyfish-like. The first type, i.e. the simple-uniseriate trichome, is glandular, other six types, i.e. the solitary, papillae, stellate, fused-stellate, stipitate-fasciculate and multiradiate trichomes, are non-glandular, and the last one, i.e. the jellyfish-like trichome, may represent an intermediate type in structure between the glandular and the non-glandular trichomes. Papillae are very common in subgen. Cyclobalanopsis although in the Fagaceae they were previously reported only in a few species of Lithocarpus. The jellyfish-like trichome, observed only in Q. sichouensis, is reported in the Fagaceae for the first time. The evolutionary trends of trichomes are discussed. The trichomes seem to evolve toward the direction of increasing complexity in structure. Papillae are considered as the pedomorphism of trichomes. From papillae the solitary trichomes and then the stellate ones have evolved. The complicated trichome types with more arms may be produced from relatively simple ones with fewer arms by means of various fusion: several stellate trichomes are fused to form the fused-stellate ones by basal fusion, and by the same way the fused-stellate ones to form the stipitate-fasciculate ones; the multiradiate trichomes are formed by the stellate ones, in which the arms emerge in a variety of seemingly random directions from a typically rounded common base. Based on the above results, it is considered that the trichome features are of important significance for a better understanding of the infrageneric division of Quercus and the phylogenetic relationships between this genus and the other genera in the Fagaceae. The very common presence of papillae in Quercus subgen. Cyclobalanopsis and in a few species of Lithocarpus may indicate that subgen. Cyclobalanopsis is a quite natural group on the one hand, and may have close relationship with Lithocarpus on the other hand. The thin-walled, jellyfish-like trichomes found in Q. sichouensis are in structure similar to the 'glandular' peltate trichomes in Trigonobalanus, a genus generally regarded as the most primitive in subfam. Quercoideae, indicating that the affinity between subgen. Cyclobalanopsis and Trigonobalanus may be closer than that between subgen. Quercus and Trigonobalanus.
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica
国家自然科学基金重点资助项目 (No.39930 0 2 0 )
青藏高原及其临近地区植物区系及分布格局研究(KSCX2 1 0 6B)
Quercus subgen. Cyclobalanopsis
Leaf epidermis
Evolutionary trends