目的 :研究微小按蚊与种群之间 (乌头按蚊、吉甫按蚊、微小按蚊A C型 )线粒体DNA的分子变异及系统发育关系。方法 :PCR扩增和mtDNA测序。结果 :在云南发现两个微小按蚊隐形种 ,即微小按蚊A C型 ;证实了微小按蚊种团之间遗传差异 ,微小按蚊A C分歧时间稍晚于乌头按蚊 ,吉甫按蚊分歧时间远早于前 2种。结论 :地理环境对mtDNA遗传差异有一定影响 。
Objective:To study intra-and interspecific molecular variation and phylogeny of four members of the minimus group of Anopheles in Yunnan, which were An.aconitus, An.jeypoirensis, An.minimus species A and An.minimus species C. Method: DNA sequence divergence between these species at mitochondrial locus (cytochrome oxidase Ⅰ) is reported. Results:The test confirms the presence of two cryptic An.minmus species A and C, and the relationship between the molecular variation and phylogeny of member of the An. minimus group. DNA sequence diverges between these species at mtDNA, the relationship was very close with An.minimus A and C, An.aconitus near relations was long-term distance, but the An.jeyporiensis was greater distance on divergence. Conclusion:The environment of An.minimus has an effect on genetic variations of mtDNA, but the difference geographic population of An.minimus was not much changing at genetic distance.
Chinese Journal of Vector Biology and Control
WHO TDR和云南省卫生厅资助项目