目的 探讨芬太尼经静脉自控止痛(PCA)对二尖瓣置换术(MVR)术后患者应激状态的缓解作用。方法60名MVR 患者随机分为 2组,CAT组为常规止痛组,术后按需给予吗啡 0.10~0.20 mg/kg静脉注射;PCA组为术后使用 PCA给药装置持续输入芬太尼 50 μg/ml,持续背景输入速度 25 μg/h,单次给药剂量 25 μg,锁定时间 15 min。术后 48 h内观察止痛效果,术前 24 h、术后 24h,48 h测定血糖水平和尿去甲肾上腺素水平。结果 PCA组术后止痛效果明显好于 CAT组,术后 24 h血糖水平 CAT组明显高于PCA组(P<0.05),术后24 h,24~48 h CAT组尿NA水平均明显高于PCA组(P<0.05)。结论 芬太尼经静脉PCA用于MVR术后患者可以明显缓解术后应激状态,有利于术后康复。
To evaluate the stress level of patients undergoing mitral valve replacement(MVR) who received different postoperative analgesic protocols. 60 MVR patients were divided into two groups: Group A using conventional analgesic treatment ,and group B using Fentany. Analgesic ef-fect, blood glucose and urine NA were observed before and 48 h after operation. The results showed that Fentany markedly alleviated stress of the MVR patients,thus facilitating postoperative recov-ery of these patients.
Nursing Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army