小花糖芥 (Erysimum cheiranthoides L.)花蜜腺位于雄蕊基部花托上 ,仅有 2枚侧蜜腺 ,属十字花科侧蜜腺类型中的侧半环亚型 .其 2枚蜜腺均由分泌表皮 ,产蜜组织和维管束组成 .分泌表皮上有变态气孔器 ,产蜜组织中有维管束分布 ,属较进化的十字花科花蜜腺亚型类型 .蜜腺原基是在花的各部分原基基本分化完成后 ,由花托表面及雄蕊基部区域的 1~ 2层细胞 ,经反分化形成 ,在蜜腺发育过程中 ,蜜腺组织中的液泡和多糖物质都发生了有规律的变化 ,其原蜜汁在产蜜组织中加工合成 ,最后由表皮细胞和变态气孔泌出 .
The floral nectary of Erysium cheiranthoides L. locates on the base of androecium receptacle and has only two lateral floral nectaries.Their floral nectaries belong to the Lateral halfannlar sub type of the lateral nectary type. The two nectaries are composed of epidermis and nectariferous tissue. The modified stomata is present in the epidermal layer, and vascular bundle in the nectariferous tissue,belonging to the evolutionary subtypes of floral nectaries in Cruciferae. The nectary primodia did not occur untill every part of the floral primodium appeared, dediferentiated from the 1~2 cell layers of androecium in receptacle basal surface.During the development of nectary both the vacules and the carbohydrates change regularly. After pre nectar has been processed and composed in the nectariferous tissue, it is excreted from the epidermal cells and modified stoma.
Life Science Research
国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 395 60 0 6)