目的 :探讨肝肺综合征的X线表现。方法 :对 18例肝肺综合征 (HepatopulmonarySyndrome,HPS)胸部平片进行了回顾性分析 ,其中 3例行CT扫描。结果 :胸部异常 16例 ,X线表现为肺纹理增多、紊乱 ,其中 14例下肺呈结节状阴影 ,4例伴有斑片状阴影 ;4例伴有胸腔积液 ;2例伴有下肺盘状肺不张。 3例胸部CT显示病变较平片更多、更清晰。结论 :肺基底部结节状阴影是HPS典型X线表现 。
Objective To investigate the X-ray findings of Hepatopulmonary Syndrome (HPS).Methods:The chest X-ray plain films of 18 cases of HPS were retrospectively analyzed.CT scan were done on 3 of them.Results:Abnormal chest imaging findings were seen on 16 patients.Radiology findings were as follows:16 cases showed increased and distorted lung markings.Among them 14 cases showed multiple nodular shadows at both lower lungs,4 of them associated with patchy consolidation;4 of them associated with pleural effusion,2 of them associated with plate-like atelectasis at lower lungs.Chest CT scans showed much more and clear lesions than those on the plain films in 3 cases.Conclusion:The nodular shadows at lower lung are the typical X-ray finding of HPS,but they have no specificity.\;
Journal of Henan Medical College For Staff and Workers