为评价小学生的生长发育状况以及贫血对儿童体格发育的影响 ,2 0 0 1年春季对包头市钢三小学一至五年级学生进行常规体格测量 (男生 5 80名 ,女生 5 6 1名 )和测定血红蛋白含量 (男生 5 79名 ,女生 5 6 0名 )。结果表明 ,儿童的身高、体重和体质指数的平均值均超过了 1992年全国营养调查的城市平均水平和1995年中国学生体质与健康调研报告的结果 ;儿童的贫血患病率平均为 2 6 2 % ,其中女孩显著高于男孩 (分别为 30 9%和 2 1 8% ) ,男孩中以一、二年级的贫血患病率最高 (分别为 2 9 3%和 2 8 9% ) ,而女孩一至三年级的贫血患病率均在 30 %以上 ,以二年级为最高 (43 2 % ) ;男女孩合并统计 ,贫血儿童的身高、体重和体质指数均非常显著低于非贫血的对照儿童 (P <0 0 0 1) ;合并统计的结果显示贫血男孩的身高、体重和体质指数均非常显著低于非贫血的男孩 (P <0 0 0 1) ;贫血女孩的身高显著低于非贫血的女孩 (P <0 0 5 )。
In order to evaluate the growth and development of primary school children and the effect of anemia on body height and weihgt, a routine examination on anthropometry and heomoglobin was carried out among the children from Gangsan Primary School in the Kundulun Dsitrict of Baotou City, including 580 boys and 561 girls for anthropometry and 579 boys and 560 girls for hemoglobin in the Spring of 2001.The results showed that the growth and development of children were higher than the average results of children published in 1992 National Nutrition Survey, and also higher than the results from the Chinese school children physique development in 1995. The average prevalence of anemia was 26 2%, and the girls suffered from anemia were much higher than the boys (30 9% and 21 8% respectively). The highest prevalence of anemia in boys was in the second grades(29 3% and 28 9%), however, the highest prevalence of anemia in girls was in the second grade(43 2%).Compared with normal children, the children suffered from anemia were in lower height, lower body weight and lower body mass index significantly( P <0 001);The present study indicated that anemia might have adverse effects on the growth and development of children.
Journal of Hygiene Research
growth and development, children, hemoglobin, nutrition status