在简单介绍陆面过程模式发展的基础上 ,从裸土蒸发、植被蒸散、土壤水传输、排水和径流等五个方面详细综述了陆面模式研究中对水文过程的参数化。目前陆面参数化方案中仍存在很大的不确定性 ,其中陆面水文过程参数化的关键问题包括 :土壤分层、土层厚度、根带分布 ;参数的代表性和移植 ;观测资料 ;径流的参数化。分析了径流在陆面模式中的重要性 ,及目前陆面模式中对径流参数化存在的不足 ,介绍了部分陆面模式对径流的模拟研究 。
As a branch of hydrologic cycle, land surface hydrological processes are nearly relative to atmospheric circle by water and energy exchange between land surface and atmosphere Land surface hydrological processes are not only the main participants in climate change but are effected by the change The capacity of understanding and simulating the land surface hydrological processes in climatic model is the premise to accurate climate prediction The development of land surface model is briefly introduced The parameterization of land surface hydrological processes is reviewed in overall from bare soil evaporation, plant evapotranspiration, soil wetness, drainage and runoff There are still some uncertainties lying in the land surface schemes The main issues on hydrological processes parameterization include soil layers, soil layer depth, rooted area distribution; the representation and transplantation of parameters; observed data; and parameterization of runoff The importance of runoff in land surface schemes is analyzed; the weakness of runoff parameterization is pointed out; the study of runoff simulation in land-surface model is introduced; and the research focuses in the future are discussed
Advances in Earth Science
国家自然科学基金重大项目"淮河流域能量与水分循环试验和研究"(编号 :497940 30 )
国家重点基础研究发展规划项目"我国生存环境演变和北方干旱化趋势研究"(编号 :G1990 4340 0 )