为了尽快落实防震减灾三大工作体系之一——“紧急救援”有关工作的开展 ,加速中国地震灾害紧急救援队的建设 ,中国地震局副局长岳明生率 1 1人代表团于 2 0 0 1年 8月访问了瑞士、荷兰、德国、法国等欧洲国家 ,对这些国家在紧急事务管理、灾害紧急救援组织与运作。
In order to fulfil,as soon as possible,the related work development of one of the three work systems of earthquake preparedness and disaster reduction--'search and rescue', speed up the construction of the Search and Rescue Team for China Earthquake Disasters, the Chinese Seismological Delegation consisting of eleven members, headed by Yue Mingsheng, the vice director of the China Seismological Bureau, made official visits to European countries, such as Swiss, Holland, Germany, France and so on in August 2001. The delegation made more detailed investigation into emergency affairs management,the search and rescue organizations for disasters and their operation, making and disposition of rescue equipments, as well as the training of rescue teams in these countries.
Recent Developments in World Seismology