为了解浙江省奉化市儿童血铅水平 ,于 1 999年 1 0月采用 2 0 0 2ZPP锌原卟啉血液荧光测定仪 ,对该市 94 9例 4~ 6岁儿童血铅进行了测定。测定结果发现ZPP水平≥ 2 98/g·Hb有 331例 ,占 34 88%。并对相关因素进行了调查 ,发现居室环境、饮食习惯、不良卫生习惯、父母职业等对儿童的铅污染有关 ,但也有 4 7例原因不明。因此 ,儿童保健工作者在日常工作中要加强如何避免儿童铅污染的宣教及指导 ,同时要常规开展血铅测定 ,早期发现 。
In order to know the children's concentration of lead in the blood,We cheeked 949 children in our city during 4 to 6 years old using 2002 ZPP blood fluoroscope in oct.,1999.The result indicated that there are 331 samples about 34 88% which the concentration of ZPP is greater than or equal to 2 98/g·Hb.The cause of the case was also investigated.It shows that the lead pollution is related to the children's living condition,dietetic habit,bad wholesome habit and prarental ccupations,etc. The cause of the 47 samples' pollution is not discovered.To prevent the lead pollution of the children,it should improving propaganda and guidance during the daily grind.
Trace Elements Science