我们采用单片反射式LCD研制成功一种高清晰投影机。基于常规CMOS硅加工工艺的反射技术为投影显示展现了良好的前程。该项技术具有低投资、低制作成本、高分辨能力及高开口率等突出的优点。为了获得更低成本和更高性能,我们将反射技术应用到单芯片投影显示中。显示器按象素阵列为SXGA(1280×1024),5 V逻辑和15 V驱动的双电源方案制作而成。在象素阵列之前是厚度仅有1μm的液晶盒。采用向列型液晶可获得0.2 ms 的快速响应时间。系统构架以卷帘式色照明为基础,任何时刻三个色带都能照到芯片上。这种安排避免了常规色轮系统固有的2/3光谱效率的损失。该系统表明,用LCD器件实施色顺序投影显示是可行的。它具有包括消费类HDTV显示在内的极其广阔的应用前景。
We have constructed a high resolution projection display with a single reflective LCD panel. Reflective technology based on standard silicon CMOS processing has emerged as a favorable direction for projection displays. Advantages include low in vestment and fabrication costs. high resolution capability, and high aperture ratio. As a move towards lower cost and high pcrformancc, wc have applicd rcflcctive technology to a singlc pancl projcction display. The pixcl array is SXGA(1280×1024) and is fabricated in a process with both 5 Volt logic and 15 Volt strutures. A thin 1 micron liquid crystal cell is formed over the array. A fast on time of 0.2 ms is attained with a nematic LC effect. System architecture is based upon a scrolling color illumination system wherein three color bands are present on the panel on the panel at all times. This arrangement avoids the 2/3 light loss in spectral efficiency present in a more conventional color wheel system. The system demonstrates that color sequential projection displays are feasible with LCD devices. And this direction holds great promise in a wide variety of applications including consumer HDTV displays.
Advanced Display
Single panel LCD;reflective LCD;projection display