本文报道蔬菜地潜叶蝇寄生蜂的姬小蜂科 Eulophidae的羽角姬小蜂亚科 Eulophinae和狭面姬小蜂亚科 Elachetinae5属 8种寄生蜂。其中豌豆潜蝇姬小蜂 Diglyphus isaea是蔬菜潜叶蝇寄生蜂优势种。寄主主要是豌豆彩潜蝇、美洲斑潜蝇和葱斑潜蝇等的幼虫和蛹。植物寄主涉及各种蔬菜作物。兰克瑟姬小蜂 Cirrospiluslyncus Walker为中国新记录种 ,另有
This paper presents 8 species of 5 genera in Eulophinae and Elachetinae of Eulophidae, in which Diglyphus isaea is the dominant species of parasites in vegetable fields. Cirrospilus lyncus is firstly recorded from China. The hosts of parasites are mainly larvae and pupae of Chromatomyia horticola, Liriomyza sativae and Liriomyza chinensis with 5 new host records. The plant hosts involve in several vegetable crops.
Entomological Journal of East China
浙江省自然科学基金项目 (编号 3972 6 8)