研究蜣螂减粘脱附的机制 ,为工程机械减粘脱附的研究和应用开辟新的途径。用扫描电镜观测了车蜣螂体表的细微结构 ,发现蜣螂体表由隆起、凹陷、裂缝、孔洞等构成了非光滑表面 ,大量的长短不一的刚毛构成了柔性界面 ,蜣螂活动时体表主要呈负性电位变化,其峰值可达 -50mV ;仿蜣螂体表的非光滑表面制作了犁壁和推土板 ,减低阻力减粘脱附效果明显 ;仿蜣螂运动时体表电位的变化 ,设计新的电渗模面 。
The dung beetle,Copris ochus Motschulsky,can freely go through the sticky faeces and soil without adhering to them. There must exist some structure of the integument and its underneath adapted mechansium of this behavior. In this study, (1) Through the SEM investigation we found the unsmooth surface of dung beetle formed by cracks, pits and protrusions, the gentle interface formed by many kinds of setae, holes and openings. (2) Measuring the body surface potential of the dung beetle, we found that the potential at the rest approximates to 0 mV, but at the moving is the negative waves and the maximum potential amplitude is about 50mV. (3) An unsmoothed bulldozer plate and a plough mouldboard were designed based on the unsmoothed surface morphology of the head of dung beetle and those designed plates were compared with the smoothed surface of the normal plough. (4) Effects of the soil adhesion of the electro-osmosis designed based on the body surface potential of the dung beetle were tested. The results show that the unsmoothed surface and the electro- osmosis designed based on the bionics could reduce the soil adhesion force distinctly. This study might bring to light of the unstickiness mechanism and offer some useful material for the new bionics theory and method for the mechanical engineering and machinery manufacturing industry.
Acta Biophysica Sinica
国家自然科学基金重点项目 (59835200)