本文认为 ,史学界长期来把南宋朝臣分为“主战”、“主和”两派的“二分法”是不妥的。事实上 ,孝宗以来 ,南宋朝臣中存在着以汤思退为代表的投降主义派 ,以张浚为代表的冒险主义派 ,以史浩为代表的现实主义派。孝宗一上台就决定对金国进行战略决战是缺乏思想、政治、军事、组织基础的冒险。史浩任相后 ,头一件大事就是抓平反以岳飞为代表的冤假错案 ,抓组织建设与思想、政治、军事建设 ,待时机成熟时再进行战略决战的思想是正确的。应推翻有些学者贬损与强加给史浩头上的一切不实之辞。
This paper attempts to demonstrate the inappropriateness of the dichotomy between the war group and the peace group generally accepted by the historian circle over a long period of time while distinguishing the officials of the Southern Song Dynasty. Actually, there existed a capitulationist faction with Tang Situi as its representative, an adventurist faction with Zhang Jun as its representative and a realist faction with Shi Hao as its representative among the officials of the Southern Song Dynasty since the reign of Emperor Xiao Zong. It was risky for Emperor Xiao Zong to launch strategically decisive campaigns against the Jin State, as he decided soon after he came to power, without much ideological, political, military and organizational guarantee. After Shi Hao was appointed prime minister, he gave priority to redress the unjust, false and wrong cases concerning Yue Fei and others and appropriately decided to exert great efforts to build up the strength organizationally, ideologically, politically and militarily while waiting for opportunities to start strategically decisive campaigns. The paper argues that all the devastating groundless accusations against Shi Hao should be brushed aside.
Journal of Zhejiang Normal University(Social Sciences)