股票期权作为一种对企业家的激励机制在我国还是一种新生事物 ,这种“舶来的洋货”对我国这种社会主义的发展中国家还有许多不适应 ,在实际的运行过程中也遇到了许多的困难和障碍。本文从分析这些困难和障碍入手 ,提出优化和完善法制环境、股票市场和企业家人才市场是我国成功地推广股票期权制度必不可少的前提条件。
Stock options is considered as a type of new incentive mechanism for business executives in China. This 'imported foreign product' has not yet been, in many aspects, assimilated into a socialist developing country such as China and its operation is experiencing quite a few difficulties and barriers. This paper, starting with an analysis of such difficulties and barriers, proposes measures such as optimization and improvement of legal environment, stock market, and human resources market as indispensable preconditions for a successful promotion of the stock option mechanism.
Journal of Zhejiang Normal University(Social Sciences)