完善产地标志保护法律制度是当前我国经济立法面临的一个重要课题。我国现有的产地标志保护法律制度保护水平低 ,保护内容不全面 ,法律责任制度不完备。针对这些问题 ,我国产地标志保护法律制度应作如下改进 :其一 ,在保护模式上采用商标法模式保护产地标志 ;其二 ,在保护内容上扩大反不正当竞争法中产地标志保护的范围 ,并充实、完善商标法中产地标志保护的内容 ;其三 ,在法律责任中增设产地标志违法行为可以追究刑事责任的规定 ,并明确产地标志民事责任的构成要件 ;此外 。
To improve and perfect the legal protective system of indication of source is an important task the Chinese legislation has to face; (2) the existing legal protective system of indication of source can but provide low level protection because of its incomprehensiveness of protective limits and imperfection of legal responsibility; (3) how to improve and perfect the Chinese legal protective system for indication of source: (a) to draw on what used in Trade mark Act to draw up a protective model for the indication of source; (b) the limits of protection of indication of source should be involving that which is provided in Anti illegitimate Competition Act; (c) enriching and perfecting the protective elements of indication of source in Trade Mark Act; (d) adding regulations of legal responsibility to prosecute criminal liability of illegal activity going against indication of source and defining elements of civil liability of indication of source; (4) international legal protection of indication of source should be improved, too.
Nankai Journal:Philosophy,Literature and Social Science Edition