明代江南苏州、松江等地的田赋负担十分沉重 ,这是明史和中国经济史中的一大问题。明清以来 ,对明代苏松重赋问题的原因论述极多 ,但众说纷纭 ,莫衷一是。其实 ,明代除江南地区外 ,明代江西、陕西等地也出现了重赋现象。通盘考察明代的几个重赋区可以发现 ,这些地区虽自然、经济社会条件大相径庭 ,但共同的一点是元末明初皆为朱元璋的敌对势力所占领 ,他们曾与明军相抗衡 。
The land tax in Suzhou and Songjiang in the Jiangnan area (south of the Yangtze River) is seriously heavy in the Ming Dynasty. This is a big problem in the Ming history and in the economic history of China. The causes of oppressive land tax in the districts of Suzhou and Songjiang have been discussed now and again by scholars since the Ming Dynasty. Opinions vary failing to come to any agreement. The writer in this paper suggests materials to explain that: (1) The oppressive land tax occurred not only in the districts south of the Yangtze River but also in Jiangxi and Shannxi provinces; (2) The natural, social and economic conditions were entirely different in the said areas, and it is hardly to understand that why all these areas received the same oppressive land tax; (3) The writers deems that the oppressive tax on these areas served as the retaliatory measure, for the opposite influences to Zhu Yuanzhang the emperor Hongwu of the Ming Dynasty had settled in these areas, and they acted as a counterweight to Zhu Yanzhang's founding of the Ming Dynasty.
Nankai Journal:Philosophy,Literature and Social Science Edition