在意识形态中的经济学部分已经充分顺应市场经济发展要求 ,而伦理学部分却远未顾及市场经济现实要求的境况下 ,我们的道德宣传和道德教育等实践活动 ,应根据社会主义市场经济的现实要求 ,注意培养人们的社会公德和起码的职业道德 ,呼吁人们守住“底线道德”。但这一最基本的道德建设与伦理关怀 ,必须得到信仰的支持和维系 ,否则就会流于形式 ,落于空洞 。
At a time when the economics part of our ideology has been fully adapted to the demands of market economy but the ethics part is lagging far behind the demands of the development of market economy, such practical activities as moral advocation and ethical education must cater to the practical demands of the social market economy, trying to cultivate a good public morality and sound professional ethics. Nevertheless, the construction of these elementary moral and ethical principles must be propped up and maintained by a strong faith, otherwise they will become formalistic and invalid.
Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences)