黄氏电影以女性寻找自我为起点 ,经历了“花木兰”与“还我女儿妆”的两难困境 ,最终由对父权社会的背叛走向了重写历史重塑自我的女性躯体书写。其突出成就即在于 ,以“回到自己的屋子”的女性身体的写作方式 ,使女性寻找自己话语的叙事策略得以完形 ,并通过独特的经验内容对男性话语提出挑战。以自己的身体语言 ,在银幕上书写具有独立人格理想和文化精神的主体形象 ,这是中国电影文化的一大进步。
Huang's movies take female self seeking as its starting point, experience the dilemma between 'Hua Mulan' and 'Nu Er Zhuang', and finally go from rebellion against patriarchy soicety to description of female bodies of rewriting history and remolding oneself. Her outstanding achievement lies in writing method of female bodies, which allows the female to seek for their own narrative tactics for completion and challenge male discourse with unique experience. It is a great progress in China's movie culture to depict subject images of independent personality ideal and cultural spirit with their own body language.
Journal of Sichuan Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)