80年代以来 ,英国高等教育管理进行了大刀阔斧的改革 ,涉及到了管理体制、投资体制、质量管理等多个方面。一改英国高等教育固守大学自治的传统 ,在这场改革中 ,政治动因发挥了重要的作用。改革的成效是明显的 ,但是 ,过于强调国家需要、社会需要 ,不加选择地采用市场竞争、优胜劣汰的原则 ,就可能给英国高等教育带来新的隐患。
There have been a series of higher e ducation management reforms in UK since 1980s.The reform touches upon many aspec ts such as management system,investment system and quality assurance,etc.Being d ifferent from the tradition that English universities manage their own business,the political force has a very important effect on the refor m.The reform produces indeed very evident results,however,it may cause new worri es for the English higher education if the needs of the state,the society and th e market principles were to be over emphasized.
Journal of Qingdao Institute of Chemical Technology(Social Sciences Edition)