洋车夫是中国现代文学创作中较早出现的劳动者形象 ,老舍笔下洋车夫祥子的人生道路的坎坷更多地来自于其自身的思维和行为方式。他虽身处城市底层深受压迫 ,却不在新的生产关系之内 ,所以 ,这是个失去土地 ,又以小生产的观念在都市里挣扎并走向心死者的悲剧。作品最感人的地方 。
The rickshawman was one of the early labor figures appeared in the contemporary Chinese literature:The rickshawman'Camel Xiang tzi'created by LAO She .His way of thinking and behaving decided his bumpy and tormented life,i.e.,away from the farmland and being oppressed at the bottom in urban life,struggling for living by small production in a large city and finally,desperated.The most poignant point of the novel is to make one thinking 'who can save Xiang tzi'!
Journal of Tianjin University:Social Sciences