“五四”女作家的小说叙事具有独特的“自足性”。她们以作家主体为话语中心 ,以个体的感知替所有角色代言 ,小说中各种叙事技巧的使用皆为达到个体言说的快感。从叙事视角看 ,作者、叙述者、被叙述者的身份不断出现重叠、错位和流动。从叙事结构的安排来看 ,作者惯用书信、日记等体裁推进情节发展 ,交代故事背景 ,在很大程度上简化了女作家对小说叙事结构的安排 ,同时又给单纯的以“心理 -情绪”为中心的结构以物化的情节形式。“五四”女作家这种叙事上的“自足性”与她们当时“边缘化”的生存心态和女性意识有着直接的联系。文章力求通过对“五四”时期女作家代表性小说的叙事特征的分析 ,展现其背后隐含的“五四”
The novels by female writers during the May 4th Movement show the unique characteristic of self satisfaction in narrative.These writers consider themselves as the center of their novels, making use of all the characters to speak out their own feelings.All kinds of the narrative skills used in the novels serve for the happiness of their thorough expression.From the narrative perspective,the authors,narrators and characters in the novels overlap,flow and change positions one another from time to time.From the arrangement of narrative organization,authors often push on the development of plots and tell the background of stories in the form of letters or diaries.There is a direct connection between the self satisfaction,edge feeling and the female consciousness of female writers during the period.
Journal of Tianjin University:Social Sciences