毛晋汲古阁刊本《花间集》是一个比较精审的明刊本 ,但其来源尚无定论。陆游跋本《花间集》仅是陆氏题跋的一个宋本 ,并没有刊刻流行。毛晋所谓陆跋本是自己借用陆游跋文抄补的某一宋本 ,这个宋本很可能就是聊城杨氏海源阁曾藏的鄂州公文册子纸印本 ,毛本多从此出 ,但毛氏刊刻时也参照了其他版本。因此毛本的来源不能简单地指定某一本子 。
The edition of Huajian Ji engraved by MAO Jin's Jigu ge (Abbr.MAO edition )is precise and comprehensive ,but its origin is indistinct .The paper states that the edition of Huajian Ji with LU You's postscripts(Abbr.LU edition)is only an edition of Song dynasty ,and the edition wasn't published at that time.The so called Lu edition collected by MAO Jin in fact,is only an edition patched by him with LU You's postscripts.The Song edition is most probably the edition printed by official papers of Southern Song dynasty,from which the MAO edition mainly stemmed. But the MAO edition also consulted other editions ,so its origin can't be defined simply ,it is a new one by collection.
Journal of Tianjin University:Social Sciences