从大约 19世纪后期到 2 0世纪初 ,绘画中的印象派反思了“眼的所见”与“脑的所知”之间的异同 ;狭义相对论则反思了“眼可观察的相对时空”与“脑抽象出来的绝对时空”之间的关系。它们都是对可观察的“所见”与抽象的“所知”之间关系的古典形式 (概念 )的最后探索 ,同时又都是通向现代形式 (概念 )最早的启蒙者。在科学、艺术这二大文化中出现的这两种探索 ,可以看成是对“人”这一认识主体在认识论中作用的哲学探索的巨大进步。
From the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century,the impressionist questioned the similarities and differences between 'seeing by eyes' and 'knowledge in brains' in painting, similarly,the special theory of relativity also questioned the similarities and differences between 'relative space time seeing by observers' and 'absolute space time abstracted by brains' in physical science.Both of them were the final seeking for the relationship between 'seeing' and 'being' in classical thoughts (concepts),and meanwhile the enlightenment to the modern thoughts (concepts).From the philosophical viewpoints,both of them were the great progresses in seeking human cognitive position in the theory of knowledge.
Journal of Tianjin University:Social Sciences