Delaunay triangulation has been widely used in many fields such as compu- tational fluid dynamics, statistics, meteorology solid state physics, computational geometry and so on. Bowyer-Watson algorithm is a very popular one for generating Delaunay triangulation. In generating the Delaunay triangulation of a preassigned set of n points, the complexity of Bowyer-Watson algorithm can at most be reduced to O(n log n) for the simple reason that the complexity of its tree search process is O(nlog n). In this paper we suggest a tree search technique whose complexity is O(n). Noting that the order of point insertion can affect the efficiency of Bowyer- Watson algorithm, we propose a technique to optimize the point insertion process. Based on these two techniques, we obtain a fast algorithm for generating Delaunay triangulation.
Delaunay triangulation has been widely used in many fields such as compu- tational fluid dynamics, statistics, meteorology solid state physics, computational geometry and so on. Bowyer-Watson algorithm is a very popular one for generating Delaunay triangulation. In generating the Delaunay triangulation of a preassigned set of n points, the complexity of Bowyer-Watson algorithm can at most be reduced to O(n log n) for the simple reason that the complexity of its tree search process is O(nlog n). In this paper we suggest a tree search technique whose complexity is O(n). Noting that the order of point insertion can affect the efficiency of Bowyer- Watson algorithm, we propose a technique to optimize the point insertion process. Based on these two techniques, we obtain a fast algorithm for generating Delaunay triangulation.
Journal on Numerical Methods and Computer Applications