
土壤生物学性质对毛竹粗生长影响的研究 被引量:4

Effects of Soil Biological Properties on Thickness Growth of Phyllostachys Pubescens.
摘要 To get some knowledge about the relationship between soil biological properties and thickress-growth of bamboo,23 plots with different productivity were selected for investigating eye-high diameter(D.E.H.) and analyzing soil samples.D.E.H. has a close relationship with the number of soil bacteria(X 1),actinomyces(X 2),fungi(X 3),activities of hydrogen peroxidase(X 4),urease(X 5),protease(X 6), and phosphatase(X 7),with correlation coefficients at 0.941 **,0.432 *, 0.682 **,0.751 **,0.768 **,0.899 ** and 0.914 **,respectively.Sucrase activity(X 8) is not well related to D.E.H.The mulitiple liner regression equation is:y=2.3064+8.8954×10 -7X 1+1.8356×10 -7X 2+6.8422×10 -6X 3- 0.6099X 4-1.101X 5+6.225X 6+0.05088X 7+0.0571X 8.The multiple correlation coefficient (R=0.96) reached significent level(a=0.001).For fractional correlation coefficients,only bacteria number and protease activity (0.591 and 0.442) reached an evident level. It indicates that bacteria number and protease activity are the major factors to affect thickness-growth of bamboo.The stepwise regression equation,y=4.2026+8.827×10 -7X 1+7.368X 6 with multiple correlation coefficient 0.9596 and fractional correlation coefficients r(y,X 1)=0.7676,r(y,X 6)=0.5569,makes further support to the above result deduced from multiple linear regression.The 23 plots can be divided into three types by cluster analysis according to soil biological properties:high-yield,middle-yield and low-yield with the percentage of 34.8,47.8 and 17.4,respectively.The average D.E.H is 10.6,9.1 and 6.6 centmeters, respectively. To get some knowledge about the relationship between soil biological properties and thickress-growth of bamboo,23 plots with different productivity were selected for investigating eye-high diameter(D.E.H.) and analyzing soil samples.D.E.H. has a close relationship with the number of soil bacteria(X 1),actinomyces(X 2),fungi(X 3),activities of hydrogen peroxidase(X 4),urease(X 5),protease(X 6), and phosphatase(X 7),with correlation coefficients at 0.941 **,0.432 *, 0.682 **,0.751 **,0.768 **,0.899 ** and 0.914 **,respectively.Sucrase activity(X 8) is not well related to D.E.H.The mulitiple liner regression equation is:y=2.3064+8.8954×10 -7X 1+1.8356×10 -7X 2+6.8422×10 -6X 3- 0.6099X 4-1.101X 5+6.225X 6+0.05088X 7+0.0571X 8.The multiple correlation coefficient (R=0.96) reached significent level(a=0.001).For fractional correlation coefficients,only bacteria number and protease activity (0.591 and 0.442) reached an evident level. It indicates that bacteria number and protease activity are the major factors to affect thickness-growth of bamboo.The stepwise regression equation,y=4.2026+8.827×10 -7X 1+7.368X 6 with multiple correlation coefficient 0.9596 and fractional correlation coefficients r(y,X 1)=0.7676,r(y,X 6)=0.5569,makes further support to the above result deduced from multiple linear regression.The 23 plots can be divided into three types by cluster analysis according to soil biological properties:high-yield,middle-yield and low-yield with the percentage of 34.8,47.8 and 17.4,respectively.The average D.E.H is 10.6,9.1 and 6.6 centmeters, respectively.
机构地区 浙江林学院
出处 《生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第6期25-28,40,共5页 Chinese Journal of Ecology
基金 浙江省教委基金项目"毛竹根际土壤生物学特性研究"研究内容之一
关键词 笔竹 粗生长 土壤生物学性质 Phyllostachys pubescens,thickness-growth,microbe,soil enzyme.
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