药用野生稻具有多种抗病虫性 ,是水稻品种改良重要的种质资源之一。本研究采用与栽培稻遗传图第 4连锁群中与 RTSV和 Glh紧密连锁的 RFLP标记 RZ2 6 2及其筛选出来的 BAC克隆作探针 ,对药用野生稻进行荧光原位杂交 ,供试探针均被定位于药用野生稻第 4染色体短臂的中部 ,百分距分别为 74.86± 3 .72和 73 .98± 4.44,信号检出率为 7.6 %和45 .1 %。 BAC克隆和 RFL P标记探针杂交位置几乎一致 ,说明在栽培稻和野生稻中 RFLP标记 RZ2 6 2都存在同一 BAC克隆的大插入片段中 ,药用野生稻与抗性基因 RTSV和 Glh的同源顺序就在第 4染色体信号出现的相应位置 ,从而为作物育种开发和利用野生资源的抗性基因提供了理论依据。
Oryza officinalis is an important resistance resource for improvement of cultivated rice.In this study,cultivated rice BAC clone 14E16 and RFLP marker RZ262 which linked to RTSV,Glh were adopted for mapping in O.officinalis.The FISH results showed 14E16 and RZ262 were located at 4S in O.officinalis,the percentage distance from the centromere to the hybridization sites were 74.86±3.72和73.98±4.44,the detection rates were 7.6% and 45.1% respectively.The results obtained from the BAC and plasmid clones RZ262 of cultivated rice and O.officinalis were the same,it is suggested that the marker,RZ262,of cultivated rice and O.officinalis be in the same BAC clone,the homologous sequences of RTSV and Glh in O.officinalis were positions that signals exited on the 4S.These results will provide the base for utilizations of resistance genes in wild rice.
Journal of Wuhan Botanical Research
国家自然科学基金 (批准号 :39870 4 2 3)
高等学校博士学科点专项研究基金 (批准号 :2 0 7980 1 1 2 )资助项目