博尔纳病病毒 (BornaDiseaseVirus,BDV)是一种嗜神经病毒。研究表明 ,BDV不仅可以引起马、羊等家畜的自然感染 ,从啮齿类动物到人以外的灵长类动物均易受到BDV的实验性感染 ,而且BDV感染还可能与人类的某些精神神经疾病的发生相关。本研究对含有BDV p2 4重组质粒PGEX 3X的大肠杆菌表达系统进行了优化表达BDV p2 4蛋白 ,在IPTG 2mmol/L、3h表达量最大 ,同时用BDV p2 4单克隆抗体证实了其特异性。从而为建立检测待检血清中BDV p2
Borna Disease Virus (BDV) is a neurotropic virus, firstly found in horses suffered from infectious neurodisease in Germany. Research revealed that BDV not only naturally infects horses, sheep, and experimentally infects rodents and primates and other animals excluding human, but also is correlated to some human nervous and mental diseases. A method for BDV p24 specific antibody detection was established based on experiments by carrying out optimization of expression of BDV p24 protein expressed by recombinant plasmid PGEX 3X containing BDV p24 in E.coli . The expression was the highest at 2mmol/L of IPTG in 3h. At the same time, monocloned antibody using BDV p24 has proved the specificity.
Journal of Microbiology
国家自然科学基金 ( 30 0 70 6 73)
哈尔滨市科委重点学科后备带头人基金 ( 72 71)