在牡蛎和其它的海产贝类中 ,基因组研究的许多重要领域 ,如 :利用非整倍体在牡蛎种间进行基因转移 ,三体牡蛎的分离 ,牡蛎和其它贝类的连锁图的建立 ,三倍体的基因组稳定性和染色体缺失的分析等都因缺少可靠的方法鉴定染色体而受到了限制。传统的带型技术很难鉴定牡蛎的染色体。一种新的生物学技术 -荧光原位杂交 (FISH)为其提供了新的机遇。通过将 DNA序列直接杂交到染色体上 ,FISH不仅是鉴定染色体的一个有力的工具 ,也是许多基因组研究如基因定位的一种有效的方法。结合最新研究成果 ,概述了 FISH技术在贝类中的应用背景。
In oysters and other marine mollusks, many important areas of genomic research are hindered by the lack of reliable methods for chromosome identification. Chromosome identification by traditional banding technique has been difficult in oysters. The development of a new molecular technology, Fluorescence in situ hybridization(FISH), provides new opportunities. By directly localizing specific DNA sequences on interphase chromatin or metaphase chromosomes, FISH provide a powerful tool not only for chromosome identification, but also for a range of other genomic analyses such as physical mapping of genes. Here, the current and future application of FISH in oysters and other marine mollusks are reviewed.
Life Science Research
美国国家海洋基金海洋生物技术项目 ( Grant B/ T-980 1)
中国国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 3982 5 12 1)