雪莱的诗剧《钦契》中的父亲 ( Cenci)是一个家庭暴君。女儿 ( Beatrice)在忍无可忍的情况下联合继母 ,除掉了这个共同的敌人 ,结果触犯了法律 ,被判处极刑。从心理分析上看 ,这位父亲更像一个依恋母亲的孩子 ,他对女儿有一种乱伦的渴望。而女儿在家中不知不觉地充当着母亲的角色 。
This paper analyzes psychologically the relationship between the father and the daughter in'The Cenci'.The father Cenci is a family tyrant.The daughter Beatrice cannot bear him any longer and murdered the common tyrant with her stepmother,but she breaks the law and is sentenced to death.Psychologically speaking,the father is more like a child that is intoxicated in the mother's love.As for Beatrice,she acts as a mother unconsciously in the family and provides the protection for her brothers and her stepmother.
Journal of Langfang Teachers College