传统公司法是以股东本位和营利至上主义为其基本理念的,但是 20世纪中期以来,知识经济带动人力资本所有者地位的提高,经济的发展推动了经济民主的进程,公司法的理念也随之更新。本文在分析公司法理念的产生、更新的社会、历史原因后,提出当代公司法所应确立的基本目标模式。
YU ying (Department of Law mid- south university for Nationalities ;430073,China) Abstraet:Stockholdors selfish departmentalism and profit are basical faith of traditional corporate legislation,but all these have regenerated followed with the enhancement of labour capitalist's status which increased by knowledge economy.In this clissertation,the objective model of contemporary corporat caw is designed after research.
Journal of Qiqihar University(Philosophy & Social Science Edition)