目的:通过分析 18例糖尿病性水疱病,提高对本病的认识。方法:评价 18例患者的临床资料,给予控制血糖等综合治疗,观察水疱进展。结果:10例单发水疱随血糖控制而自愈,另外8例经综合治疗后7例水疱愈合,1例发展为皮肤坏疸。结论:糖尿病性水疱病多见于糖尿病病程长,血糖控制不良且合并有多种并发症的患者,恰当的治疗可预防坏疽等严重并发症的发生。
Objective: To enhance the acknowledgement of diabetic bullae, 18 patients were observed and evaluated. Method: The clinical condition of 18 diabetic bullae patients were evaluated, combined therapy was adopted and the outcome of bullaes was recorded. Result: As blood glucose con-centrition decreased to normal, the bullae disappear spontaneously in 10 patients, while 7 of the other 8 patients recovered after the treatment with combined therapy, 1 patient developed gangrene unfor-tunetly. Conclusion: Diabetic bullae was usually seen in patients with a long diabetic history, poor blood sugar controlling or severe chronic complications, properly treatment can efficiently prevent the e-mergence of severe complications such as diabetic gangrene.
Southern China Journal of Dermato-Venereology