目的:探讨老年急性肾功能衰竭 (ARF)的临床特点及治疗措施,以提高抢救成功率。方法:结合老年人肾脏的生理特点及引起 ARF的病因、治疗及预后,对 33例老年 ARF患者进行总结分析。结果: 28例治愈,治愈率 84. 85%; 5例死亡,死亡率 15. 15%。结论:由于我国人口老龄化及老年人肾脏的生理病理特点, ARF发生率并不少见,而且其它器官功能也不同程度的减退,在 ARF的基础上容易并发多系统器官功能衰竭 (MSOF),死亡率高,早期透析可以提高抢救成功率。
: Objectives:To explore the clinical features and the treatment measures of the renal failure(ARF)in older so as to improve the survivor rate.Methods:According to the renal physiological characteristics of the older,33 cases of ARF in older were analyzed.Results:All the patients were received dialysis. Of which,28 cases were cured(84.85% ) and 5 were died(15.5% ).Conclusion:Early renal dialysis may improve the success rate of rescuing and prevent the functional failures of other organs.
Journal of Dali Medical College