Objective: To clarify the pathgcnctic importance of platelet GpⅣ and GpⅤ in chronic idio-pathic thrombocytopenic purpura( ITP). Methods: The plasma autoantibodies against GpⅣ or GpⅤ in patients with chronic TTP(n=38) were measured by using a modified monoclonal antibody specific immobilization of platelet antigens(MAIPA) assay. The pathogenetic importance of GpⅣ and GpⅤ in chronic ITP was valuated. Results: In 38 patients with chronic ITP, specific antibodies against GpⅣ were found in two patients, and was coexist with antoantibodies against Gp Ⅱb/Ⅲa in one patient; GpⅤ-specific antibodies were found in one patients. The positive rate were 5.3% and 2. 6% respectively. Conclusion: (1)GpⅣ was a target antigen of plasma antuantibodies in chronic ITP, and was coexist with Gp Ⅱ b/Ⅲa antoantigen in some patients. (2)GpⅤ was an important scarce target antigen in chronic ITP.
Chinese Journal of Thrombosis and Hemostasis