采用 1 6PF、SCL 90和UPI量表为测验工具 ,对沈阳航空工业学院 2 0 0 0年入学新生进行心理测试。结果表明 :人格因素结构不均衡 ,主要问题是聪慧不足 ,抽象思维能力偏弱 ,独立性差 ,社会适应性差 ,对社会的信任度偏低 ;有半数以上的新生有中度以下的心理问题 ,心理障碍率为 1 0 .80 % ;其中有自杀倾向者为 3.73%。
The psychological survey was carried out in the freshmen of Senyang Institute of Aeronautical Engineering who entered in 2000 by using 16PF SLC90 and UPI as the research instruments.The processing results indicated that main problems are the unbalanced structure of the personality factor,lack of wisdom,weak in abstract thinking,bad in independent character and low in trust to the society.Meanwhile,more than half of the freshemen had moderate or slight psychological problems.The rate of psychological block is 10.80 persent,of which the percentage of being inclined to suiside is 3.73 percent.
Journal of Shenyang Institute of Aeronautical Engineering